All the Benefits of Private Coaching for a Fraction of the Cost
Via Zoom Video Conferencing
(Zoom Link Sent after Registration)
One of the ways people get in great physical shape is to take a short-term “fitness bootcamp” at their local health club. Working out with a small group of motivated people is not only fun, but it produces results, and of course, it’s much cheaper than one-on-one personal training.
Well, now you can do that for your love life.
Introducing, Online Relationship Bootcamps: These are short-term group coaching programs designed for single people to help them get in great “relationship shape” so that they can attract lasting love.
Done via Zoom Video Conferencing, these group “workouts” are fun, co-ed, interactive, and far less expensive than individual coaching. Most importantly, however, Online Relationship Bootcamps produce results. They will get a person in the best relationship shape of their life, which is the key to attracting a healthy, sustainable, intimate relationship.
BENEFITS OF BOOTCAMPS — Online Relationship Bootcamps will help you…
- Identify and strengthen your weakest relationship “muscles” so that you’re ready for something real
- Release any core beliefs and stories that are responsible for all of your relationship frustrations
- Learn how to let go of the past so that you can open your heart and trust again
- Grow beyond the fear of rejection (or even the fear of commitment!)
- Stop attracting the same types of partners and patterns over and over again
- Uncover any unconscious commitments or resistances you have to experiencing a lasting relationship
- Become more energetically attractive by brightening your feminine radiance or strengthen your masculine presence
- Receive practical “integration assignments” that will ensure lasting change
- Learn from other participant’s experiences and challenges
WHAT HAPPENS IN BOOTCAMP? — Online Relationship Bootcamps include…
- 6 one-hour group sessions via Zoom (phone is allowed but not recommended)
- 3 thirty-minute private coaching session with Roy
- Group sessions include teaching segments, interactive discussion and Q & A
- Each participant gets Roy’s newest book, Relationship Bootcamp as well as session outlines, integration assignments, links, video clips and audio recordings
- Participants are given weekly “Integration Assignments” in order to apply what’s being learned and ensure life-change
- Receive guidance and feedback from Roy (especially on the Integration Assignments)
- 50% off either The Radiant Woman or The Superior Man, Roy’s most popular eCourses
- Group sessions are recorded (audio only)
If you want to break the cycle of experiencing short-term disappointing relationships, then stop focusing on where and how to meet someone and get your relational butt in shape. Because, remember, you will never be in a relationship that is healthier than you are.
Take advantage of this. Bootcamps are fun, inexpensive and life changing. When you combine the mindful relationship wisdom you’ll receive from Roy with the integration assignments you’ll do in between the group sessions, and when all of that occurs in a supportive, playful environment, you will get in the best relationship shape of your life and finally attract lasting love.
(in practical ways)
Feb. 17, Feb. 24, Mar. 3, Mar. 10, Mar. 17, Mar. 24
(six consecutive monday nights)
Time: 8:00pm — 9:00pm
(Eastern Time)
Online via Zoom Video Conferencing
(Zoom link sent after registration closes on 2/10)
— $499 —
(Retail Price: $1600)
Registration Closes Monday, Feb. 10