Following the Wisdom of Your Body

A key life skill is the ability to interpret the wisdom imbedded in your body sensations. Your emotions are signals that something is happening that needs attention. It is a good practice, especially in moments of stress or upset, to quiet your mind and tune into your body sensations. What sensation is present, and more importantly, where is it occurring? If you feel tension or tightness in your neck, jaw or back, it may be your body saying you are feeling anger.

Anger is stored in those regions, thus the saying, “You are a pain the neck!” If you feel pressure behind the eyes, a closing of the throat or heaviness in the chest area, you are most likely feeling sad, thus the saying, “I am getting choked up,” or “You are breaking my heart.” If you feel churning or fluttering in your stomach, you may be scared. We carry fear in that region or bodies, thus the saying, “I’ve got butterflies in my stomach.” We cannot learn from our feelings and allow them to guide us unless we can read them accurately. Tune into your body sensations, for their wisdom can set you free.

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