The Case for Speed Dating
As a relationship coach, I have no problem with Internet dating. I did it when I was single, and while I didn’t meet my wife that way, it led to a lot of fun and interesting experiences. So I don’t steer my clients away from it necessarily. In fact, I often help them write more effective profiles.
But everything has it strengths and limitations. And for Internet dating, the limitation is that you can often spend an enormous amount of time emailing and texting only to finally meet the person and discover their picture doesn’t come close to accurately representing who they are. You then realize you wasted a lot of time on a person that if you had met them up front, you would not have pursued them any further.
That’s why I think speed dating is, by far, the best way to meet people these days. You get 6 or so minutes to get to know someone and in that time you can easily know if you want to take the time to get to know them any further.
In Internet dating, you discover compatibility first and then you face the chemistry issue later. When speed dating, you face chemistry right away, and if you have it, then you go to the next level and discover if the two of you are compatible. This is the way it’s always been: A spark is felt, then an exploration of compatibility follows.
You’re too busy to waste weeks or even months communicating on-line with someone who you might discover you have no chemistry with whatsoever. So drop the Internet thing and try speed dating. You’ll save yourself a lot of time and possibly meet a great person.
Don’t waste time learning how to write an on line profile, seeking relationship advice, dating tips, going to dating advice blogs, or any of that nonsense. Meet someone face to face.