The Eye of the Hurricane

Our lives are a lot like hurricanes. Near the “outer walls” of our lives, because of economic uncertainty, financial stress, health concerns or relational drama, our lives can resemble the swirling, chaotic, and unpredictable nature of a hurricane. But, we too, like a hurricane, have an “eye”, a place within, a center that is calm, peaceful and unchanging. And no matter how hard the wind is blowing in our lives, we have access to this peaceful space within – this eye – through meditation. Meditation is for anyone who wants to experience clarity and peace in tumultuous times.

If mediation is new for you, try this for five minutes first thing in the morning: Sit on a chair with your spine erect and close your eyes. With feet flat on the ground, begin breathing in the way we spoke of last month. On the inhale, silently say “I”; on the exhale say, “eye.” I-eye…I-eye…I-eye… They, of course, are the same sound, which is the point! There is no separation between your life situation and the peace within. It is merely an illusion, or better yet, a delusion. Soon you will sense the apparent separation dissolving into one spacious, peaceful reality.

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